Sleep is known to be a common struggle for many people, for many different reasons. But whether the evasiveness of sleep be due to hormones, the stress of the day, or noisy neighbors, among many other things - we all know we could do a little better at preparing ourselves for a restful night of sleep.
Dr. Jess Andrade’s recent “10-3-2-1-0 Method” appears to be an easy no brainer guide on how to better prepare yourself for the evening.
Her suggestions are as follows:
10 hours before bed: No more caffeine
3 hours before bed: No more food or alcohol
2 hours before bed: No more work
1 hour before bed: No more screen time (shut off all phones, TVs and computers)
0 The number of times you'll need to hit snooze in the AM

Step 1: Eliminate stimulatory effects of caffeinated beverages 10 hours before sleep, to help give the body time to clear your system.
Step 2: Finish eating big meals and alcohol at least 3 hours before sleep to help reduce reflux and aid in proper digestion and has less of a chance of causing a sleep disturbance.
Step 3: 2 hours before bedtime, stop all work related tasks to give yourself a mental wind down. Write your thoughts down in a journal or list for next day tasks or ideas.
Step 4: Reduce the use of all electronics. Shut off all phones, TV’s and electronic devices 1 hour before bedtime as blue light disrupts the body's natural sleep cycle.
Step 5: This is easy, 0 is the number of times you will have to hit the snooze button.
There are many sleep hacks out there but this one just may have gained popularity because of its user-friendly sleep numbers. Try out these easy adjustments to see how your sleep improves. Let us know if you wake up feeling refreshed and energized for your day!
